Fostering micro women entrepreneurs to buy the other women's products or services.
During the year ( 2 or 3 times) the women meet in the women-owned restaurant for business-to -business informal talk with institutional representatives. The restaurant gives free-of-charge the exibition place for selling or exposing products or services. The micro entrepreneurs have imediately the feed-back which product or service is more or less attractive to the byers. The project is a volunteer-oriented, and costless.
The lobbyings to buy another women's product or service is now spreading through Croatia. It has been copied to another clubs (Senska perspektiva (from lipik), Udruga Sena Banovine (from Glina), and they are all settled in under-developped Croatian regions.
BPW Rijeka, other partners' Non-BPW clubs from Croatia, economic institutions (Chamber of Crafts) and regional administration.
BPW Topic 4
SDG 8, 10