Launching Economic Achievement Program (LEAP) for Women, Project by the Canadian Bureau for International Education

Increase productivity and job opportunities generated by women entrepreneurs - Reduce gender-specific barriers to women’s entrepreneurship and to women entering and remaining in the workforce.


BPWA was a co-implementing partner for the first phase of LEAP project which aimed at supporting women's economic empowerment through improvements to the enabling environment and culture regarding entrepreneurship and women in the workforce. As a result, BPWA has drafted the “Stakeholder and Situational Identification” report with the objective of identifying Jordanian’s attitudes towards women’s participation in the workforce and women’s employability, as well as to identify barriers preventing women from full participation in the workforce and entrepreneurship. 

BPW Jordan Federation

Jordan - Region Asia Pacific

Start of Project: March 2018

Registration: Feb 2019


INJAZ, Canadian Bureau for International Education





BPW Topic 4

SDG 5, 8, 10