Para paliar la exclusión social de las mujeres de San Juan de la Maguana y luchar contra sus consecuencias queremos poner en marcha este proyecto, donde las mujeres socias de la COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA SUR MUJER desarrollarán habilidades profesionales, técnicas y sociales y crearán la base, a medio plazo, para su participación en el desarrollo rural y la toma de decisiones comunitarias, así como en su empoderamiento.
To fight against the social exclusion of the women of San Juan de la Maguana and against its consequences, we want to start this project, where the women members of the AGRICOLA SUR MUJER COOPERATIVE will develop professional, technical and social skills and will create the base, in the middle term, for their participation in rural development and community decision-making, as well as in their empowerment. Finally, in line with the recommendations of the United Nations Organization for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) of UN Women, we would choose to integrate ICT support theGrowbox4 to the project as an innovative commitment to economic empowerment for women with the objective of systematizing work processes, generating lessons learned and good practices to continue expanding the economic opportunities of women entrepreneurs in rural areas of the region.
BPW Topic 5, 8
SDG 4, 11, 5