Posts tagged with "2019"

Equal Pay Day Czech Republic
Equal Pay Day is a project whose main goal is to reduce gender differences in the social and working environment in the Czech Republic. Since 2010, repeated event.

Poverty alleviation, provide 500 homes to homeless widows, and poor women, step toward ending poverty.

Create awareness regarding plantation and disposal of waste.

To provide affordable and secured accommodation for girls coming for work from outside city, away from their families.

Cette formation a but de sensibiliser les femmes sur les violences qui leurs sont dues surtout celles déjà atteintes de fistule obstétricale
Formation avec les femmes leaders sur les violences basées sur le genre dans la province du Kenedougou et à Kamala à 50 km avec le Mali
Educating young girls on Gender based violence; SEXUAL HARRASMENT AND ABUSE.

Young BPW Collaboration with NAPTIP (National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking In Persons)
To expand the Women's Empowerment Principles to include all stakeholders, such as small business enterprises, academia, government and civil society.

Profesionalizacion del emprendimiento - Professionalization of the entrepreneurship

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