Posts tagged with "2020"

BPW Together
To help Ukranian women in the West of Ireland start or re-start their business or profession and to practice their language skills.

Equal Pay Day Czech Republic
Equal Pay Day is a project whose main goal is to reduce gender differences in the social and working environment in the Czech Republic. Since 2010, repeated event.

Gaunbata Sanjal
Gaunbata Sanjal - Aryal, Sadikshya - Nepal - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2020 - Asia Pacific

Solar Forward
Solar Forward - Aryal, Sadikshya - Nepal - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2020 - Asia Pacific

Nerwaya - Ouedraogo, Josiane - Kabre, Rasmata - Burkina Faso - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2020 - Africa

dinner@home is a charity tool for changing fundraising projects.

Online Rescue Program for women entrepreneurs after COVID-19

Contribuer à la réduction du nombre d’enfants victimes de traite ou pires formes de travail ou exposés à la traite.

To enhance the development of BPWHK members with seasoned professionals as their mentors and an university female undergraduates as their mentees; to generate more social innovation ideas and action plans for the betterment of Hong Kong; to strengthen the #BalanceForBetter theme of IWD 2019.

Participation de BPW Koudougou la relève au 72h de la rue marchande de Noël dénommé "Tous pour un Noël féérique en famille" Au cours de ces 72h des dons ont été récoltés afin d'offrir un Noël féerique aux enfants de l'orphelinat Sainte Simone

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