Posts tagged with "BPW Topic 5"

Journée de l'arbre au Centre des Aveugles - BPW Akpakpa, Bénin, Afrique
Sensibilisation des élèves aveugles sur l'importance de la protection de l'environnement et sur l' utilité de la plantation des arbres. | Raising awareness among blind students of the importance of protecting the environment and planting trees.

World Environment Day - Hengchun White Sand Beach Cleanup - BPW Pingtung, Taiwan
Respond to environmental protection, keep trash out of ocean and do not litter.

Jeu de cartes PLANETE GENRE - BPW France
Addressing the link between gender and climate: generate discussion around different families coping with climate change.

Chaîne de valeur agroalimentaire pour le Niger|Agri-food value chain for Niger - BPW Niamey, Niger
Le Club BPW Niamey- Niger ambitionne de devenir le producteur agricole et agroalimentaire le plus prestigieux de la région.

Healthy Living - Kitchen Gardening using 3R
To educate the indigenous community the importance of Healthy Living by adapting 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

Tutela dell'ambiente naturale dal punto di vista femminile
Il progetto vuole informare sulla tutela ambientale, perciò si inquadra nell'Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile n. 4 delle NU, "Educazione di qualità".

Kitchen Gardening - SC Agriculture Project
Project of the BPW International SC Agriculture 2021-2024 - BPW Lebanon - The project seeks to implant and maintain a permanent Kitchen Gardening. 'Provide your own food by working the land.'

II Congreso Ciudades Transfronterizas Sostenibles
The congress will be a face-to-face and virtual event in Ceuta to promote energy sustainability and circular economy in Ceuta.

To Seek is to Find! - An Ode to Mother Nature
The show ‘To Seek is To Find’ is a celebration of the art created by nature and hints at the immense potential of the planet to rejuvenate.

Projet d’appui à l’autonomisation des femmes déplacées
Projet d’appui à l’autonomisation des femmes déplacées

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