Posts tagged with "BPW Topic 7"

Member Project - BPW Business Incubator - Carol Hanlon, Australia
BPW Business Incubator - Hanlon Carol - Australia - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Asia Pacific

Digital era woman
Grateful to Canva for granting us Licenses for Non Profit. This includes Canva Pro. Training is available for the business and Professional Woman. We are now able to add this offering to BPW Durban.

Campaña Virtual Equal Pay Day 2022
The struggle to close the gender pay gap is worldwide and ongoing. At BPW Spain we aim to achieve fair and equal pay for all women.

Digital on Board
Digital on Board - Zamperlin, Laura - Italy - BPW International Member Project - 2019 - Europe

The purpose of “Women in digital economy” is to enable Businesswomen, Entrepreneurs and Start-ups to create successful and competitive business models, to build up digital skills, an entrepreneurial culture in cities and rural areas, and to transfer IT knowledge into schools.
Women vs technolgy. Reduce digital gap values.

Encouraging girls and developing their interest in the boys dominating learning space.
Bild von rawpixel auf Pixabay
Réduction de la pauvreté par la prise en charge des membres à travers des activités génératrices de revenues et la valorisation humaine an particulier, les jeunes filles et femmes paysannes.