Posts tagged with "North America & Caribbean"

2024 Women's Wellness Clinic - BPW St. Kitts
Bring awareness re services offered to women by health centres in St. Kitts-Nevis. Encourage medical screening/consultations as preventative measures.

St. Kitt Senior's Foot Care Clinic - BPW St. Kitts
To achieve healthier lives and greater well-being for the elderly in St Kitts and Nevis.

Job Readiness Workshop - BPW St. Kitts
The goal is to prepare individuals for entering the work force by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to help secure employment.

End Period Poverty "EPP"
This project seeks to engage the entire county on the education of Period, ending the stigma of having a period and providing pads to schools.

Women Strengthening Women - BPW Ontario Mentorship Program
Capitalizing on skills, knowledge and expertise of BPW Ontario members to provide a tangible benefit of membership to new and existing members.

Feminist Response and Recovery - IDEA4 Gender Equality
To advance women’s recovery from the impacts of COVID-19 through targeted systemic change to the Canadian workplace, marketplace and community.

Special Project for Displaced Afghan Women
This project is intended to provide displaced Afghan business and professional women with tools to regain dignity, establish themselves, and rebuild.

To expand the Women's Empowerment Principles to include all stakeholders, such as small business enterprises, academia, government and civil society.

To sensitive children between the ages of 7 and 17 on the importance and benefits of recycling.

To offer BPW members, who are in pursuit of or looking to further develop personally and professionally, a dynamic environment to obtain knowledge and share ideas by drawing on the skills, education, advice and experiences of BPW peers in a small group setting.

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