Posts tagged with "SDG 1"

Member Project - BPW Business Incubator - Carol Hanlon, Australia
BPW Business Incubator - Hanlon Carol - Australia - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Asia Pacific

Empowering Girls Through Education and Skill Development - BPW Pakistan
Provide education opportunities to girls of deprived families and those living in low lying ateas.

Concours Educatif "Filles Sciences" - BPW Dakar SENEGAL
The objective of the competition is to strengthen girls' skills in Mathematics and French and attract them to scientific fields.

To eradicate period poverty both within the US and globally through education, advocacy, and period product drives.

BPW Together
To help Ukranian women in the West of Ireland start or re-start their business or profession and to practice their language skills.

Kitchen Gardening - SC Agriculture Project
Project of the BPW International SC Agriculture 2021-2024 - BPW Lebanon - The project seeks to implant and maintain a permanent Kitchen Gardening. 'Provide your own food by working the land.'

Digital era woman
Grateful to Canva for granting us Licenses for Non Profit. This includes Canva Pro. Training is available for the business and Professional Woman. We are now able to add this offering to BPW Durban.

Programme WOMEN STAND-UP : "Support to women"
L’autonomisation socio-économique accrue de près de 1000 femmes. Et soutien et accompagnement dans leur réinsertion sociale des femmes incarcérées.

Projet d’appui à l’autonomisation des femmes déplacées
Projet d’appui à l’autonomisation des femmes déplacées

L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di cercare di risolvere il problema dei senzatetto e del degrado che da esso ne deriva, unendo design e arte.

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