Posts tagged with "SDG 10"

Member Project - Mara Mosca, Volunteers 4 Health Care Center in Nepal - Patrizia Negro, Italy
Mara Mosca, Volunteers 4 Health Care Center in Nepal - Patrizia Negro - Italy - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Europe

Member Project - BPW Business Incubator - Carol Hanlon, Australia
BPW Business Incubator - Hanlon Carol - Australia - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Asia Pacific

Member Project - On Life - The Children's University - Laura Pellicciari, Italy
On Life, The Children's University - Pellicciari Laura - Italy - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Europe

Construction de dortoirs pour un centre des aveugles - BPW Clubs du Bénin, Afrique
Construire dans le centre d'apprentissage des aveugles de Cotonou des dortoirs pouvant prendre en compte leur handicap | Construction of disability-friendly dormitories at Cotonou's learning center for the blind

The Women of My Family Project - BPW Izmir, Turkey
This project is a collective literary project from BPW Izmir to "honor the women of our families".

Empowering Girls Through Education and Skill Development - BPW Pakistan
Provide education opportunities to girls of deprived families and those living in low lying ateas.

To focus on aligning the organization's Vision, Mission, Purpose, and Core Values with the BPW International strategic plan as well as SDG Goals.

Integration of People with Disabilities - BPW Vilnius Chamber
To change the attitude of Lithuanian business people towards people with disabilities, to solve the employment problems of people with disabilities.

Women's Entrepreneurship Workshop
The event is intended for women who are looking for work or who want to change their field of activity. This is an event of sharing, inspiration.

Equal Pay Day Czech Republic
Equal Pay Day is a project whose main goal is to reduce gender differences in the social and working environment in the Czech Republic. Since 2010, repeated event.

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