Posts tagged with "SDG 12"

Member Project - BPW Business Incubator - Carol Hanlon, Australia
BPW Business Incubator - Hanlon Carol - Australia - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2023/2024 - Asia Pacific

Chaîne de valeur agroalimentaire pour le Niger|Agri-food value chain for Niger - BPW Niamey, Niger
Le Club BPW Niamey- Niger ambitionne de devenir le producteur agricole et agroalimentaire le plus prestigieux de la région.

Kitchen Gardening - SC Agriculture Project
Project of the BPW International SC Agriculture 2021-2024 - BPW Lebanon - The project seeks to implant and maintain a permanent Kitchen Gardening. 'Provide your own food by working the land.'

Solar Forward
Solar Forward - Aryal, Sadikshya - Nepal - Project Leader - BPW International Member Project - 2020 - Asia Pacific

To sensitive children between the ages of 7 and 17 on the importance and benefits of recycling.

Encouraging girls and developing their interest in the boys dominating learning space.
The goal is to develop international sustainable tourism in Nepal by creating a special Tour Guide customized for BPW Members addressed to every BPW Club worldwide.