Tutela dell'ambiente naturale dal punto di vista femminile

Planet OR Plastic? - National Geografic - Genus Bononiae
Planet OR Plastic? - National Geografic - Genus Bononiae

(Immagine tratta da: Angela Petronelli, “Inquinamento e Tumori. Salute Circolare”, in S. Marzetti dall’Aste Brandolini (a cura di), La tutela dell’ambiente naturale dal punto di vista femminile. Alcuni aspetti fondamentali, Asterisco, Bologna, 2022)

Il progetto vuole informare sulla tutela ambientale, perciò si inquadra nell'Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile n. 4 delle NU, "Educazione di qualità".

Protection of the natural environment from women's point of view

The project aims to inform about environmental protection, so it falls under UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 4, "Quality Education."


This project aims to inform and to increase people awareness about environmental conservation. According to principle 10 of the Rio Declaration (United Nations 1992) 'Environmental issues are best handled with participation of all concerned citizens, at the relevant level'. Therefore, this project deals with some of the main interdependent  aspects of natural environment protection. It is a multidisciplinary study composed by n.16 articles, divided into four parts. Part I: Natural Environment Care, Moral and Economic Values, Legislation. Part II: Natural Environment and Artistic Inspiration, Sustainable Cities.  Part III: Natural resources and Pollution. Part IV: Environment and Health. This project, considered as a whole, can be seen in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, 'Quality Education', in particular 'education for ... sustainable lifestyles'. In addition, each part contributes to show the importance of pursuing some of the other UN SDGs.


Risultato del Progetto è stato la stampa del volume "la tutela dell'ambiente naturale dal punto di vista femminile. Alcuni aspetti fondamentali". (vedi Links o Documents)

The result of the Project was the printing of the volume "Protection of the Natural Environment from a Women's Perspective. Some basic aspects." (s. Links or Documents)

FIDAPA BPW Sezione Bologna

Italy, Europe

Start of Project: 

Duration: less than 1 year

Registration: December 18, 2022




Google Docs


SDG 3, 4, 5

BPW Topics

BPW Topics 3, 5, 6