St. Kitt Senior's Foot Care Clinic - BPW St. Kitts

To achieve healthier lives and greater well-being for the elderly in St Kitts and Nevis.


The foot care clinic for the elderly is comprised of two very important segments aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of elderly persons in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.  The first segment entails an examination of the feet by the doctors which may lead to diagnosis, treatment and follow-up medical care.   Once the elderly persons are examined by the doctors, if all is well, then the respective persons are then taken to the nail technicians where the following procedures such as foot cleaning, nail cutting, foot massages and pedicures are performed.   Once the persons have completed their examination and foot care, they are provided with water and a bowl of chicken soup for lunch prepared by the Soup Café.


Early assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common foot problems such as infected wounds fungal and bacterial conditions, ingrown toenails, dark toes, corn, calluses, and dry and cracked feet are pivotal in avoiding amputations for persons who suffer from diabetes. The benefits of caring for the feet cannot be overstated. The inability to properly care for their feet regularly poses a serious health risk. the project has assisted patrons in maintaining and improving a healthy lifestyle.

BPW St. Kitts

Region: North America & The Caribbean

Start of Project: The project started in March 2019 but was suspended for a period of three years primarily due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Duration: Repeated Event

Registration: March 26, 2024





Documents (pdf)


BPW Topic 6

SDG 3, 17