We Will Heal Together - Project for earthquake victims - BPW Istanbul, Türkiye, Europe

We Will Heal Together

To offer emotional and psychological support to women who have suffered trauma due to the earthquake.


In April 2023, BPW Istanbul Business and Professional Women Association, an organization dedicated to promoting gender equality, partnered with Turkey's leading online therapy platform, Hiwell, to launch the "We Will Heal Together" project. This initiative aims to support individuals affected by the earthquake, providing them with essential psychological assistance.

In April 2023, BPW Istanbul Business and Professional Women Association, an organization dedicated to promoting gender equality, partnered with Turkey's leading online therapy platform, Hiwell, to launch the "We Will Heal Together" project. This initiative aims to support individuals affected by the earthquake, providing them with essential psychological assistance.


Health is one of the most important factors that determine your strength and happiness in every aspect of life. Taking good care of yourself, paying attention to both your physical and mental health, is crucial not only for you but also for your loved ones and the community.

Let's always support each other to live a healthy and happy life together. Wishing you days filled with health!

BPW Istanbul, Turkey

Region: Europe

Start of Project: 2023

Duration: Less than 1 year

Registration: 13 June 2024



BPW Topic 6

SDG 3, 17